Query the hidden API of your SENEC photovoltaic appliances

Updated in September 2023:
Latest Update needs https to work (dont verify the cert or safe it via a web browser). Also the Display does no longer work and the STATISTIC variables are all gone.
Hint: To get STATISTIC values you can use the API for meinsenec.de, https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/10329335/UVCB9ihW#17e2c6c6-fe5e-4ca9-bc2f-dca997adaf90

For a personal project I wanted to show the current status of a photovoltaic system made by Senec on a small display in the living room. Till then I used an old Android smartphone with a disabled screensaver, which showed the local webinterface.

To get to the webinterface in a browser you can use the following link, which will give you a website like shwon below.


Senec local webinterface

Another interesting link show you a representation of the display. So you don't have to check the appliance yourself.


Edit: this is broken as of September 2023, the Display will stay empty

Finding the hidden API

To get this working I needed to know how the local webinterface gets its data. This was much easier than expected! Using the Developer Tools in Chrome, expecially the Network tab, I was able to see a POST-request which was made repeatedly.

Then I tried to mimic this request with Postman, which worked instantly for some parameters. After some testing I noticed, the content of the POST-Request is important! It determines the size of the response. To get all possible sections for the request you can POST the following.

Request Type:
POST https://YOUR_SENEC_IP/lala.cgi

No special headers required

    "DEBUG": {}

As a response you will get a list of all the possible sections you can include in your request. See SECTIONS below:

    "DEBUG": {
        "CHARGE_TARGET": "fl_00000000",
        "DC_TARGET": "fl_00000000",
        "DC_TARGET_PID_KD": "fl_3CA3D70A",
        "DC_TARGET_PID_KI": "fl_3C23D70A",
        "DC_TARGET_PID_KP": "fl_3E4CCCCD",
        "EG_POT_BOOST_CAP": "fl_00000000",
        "EG_POT_BOOST_POW": "fl_00000000",
        "EG_POT_CHARGE_CAP": "fl_4590F933",
        "EG_POT_CHARGE_POW": "fl_44907195",
        "FEED_TARGET": "fl_43AF5C05",
        "PU_AVAIL": "fl_00000000",
        "SECTIONS": [

The following is a sample request to get a lot of different data points. You mix and match the sections you want/need for your project. But remember, that the response will take more time the more sections you request.

Request Type:
POST https://YOUR_SENEC_IP/lala.cgi

No special headers required

    "ENERGY": {},
    "PV1": {},
    "STATISTIC": {},
    "RTC": {},
    "LICENSE": {},
    "LOG": {},
    "WIZARD": {},
    "BMS": {},
    "FACTORY": {},
    "DISPLAY": {}

You could also shorten the list of parameters you want to query. This will speed up the process a lot! e.g.:

Request Type:
POST http://YOUR_SENEC_IP/lala.cgi

No special headers required

    "ENERGY": {
        "GUI_BAT_DATA_POWER": "",
        "GUI_INVERTER_POWER": "",
        "GUI_HOUSE_POW": "",
        "GUI_GRID_POW": "",
        "OFFPEAK_TARGET": "",

The answer to this will look somethin like this:

    "ENERGY": {
        "GUI_BAT_DATA_POWER": "fl_C3BAD251",
        "GUI_BAT_DATA_FUEL_CHARGE": "fl_42A2E5E4",
        "GUI_INVERTER_POWER": "fl_80000000",
        "GUI_HOUSE_POW": "fl_43B24272",
        "GUI_GRID_POW": "fl_C04851EB",
        "OFFPEAK_TARGET": "u8_64",
        "STAT_HOURS_OF_OPERATION": "u3_0000183E"

Next I will show you how to interpret these values und convert them on a Arduino based board!

Interpreting the parameters

The format of these values is always the same. It starts with two characters which represent the type of data transferred. For example fl_ means float and u8_ means uint8 which is a 8bit unsigned (one byte) integer array.

This definition is followed by the value represented in Hexadecimal, not Decimal. So you just have to convert hex to dec. An example:


fl_ means this is a float value composed of 4 bytes.
42A2E5E4 is the value written in hexadecimal, representing the 4 bytes of a float.
If you use an online converter like https://gregstoll.com/~gregstoll/floattohex/ you will get the following value: 81.449. This means the battery of the Senec photovoltaic appliance is currently charged to 81.449%.

Another example would be "OFFPEAK_TARGET": "u8_64" which, following the above logic, results in a unsignd int of 8 bits or a byte. 64 in hex represents 100 in decimal.

The last one would be "STAT_HOURS_OF_OPERATION": "u3_0000183E" which is a 32bit/4 byte unsigned integer. After conversion from hex to int this value reads 6206 hours of operation.

Custom functions for an ESP32/Arduino

To convert a fl_ value I am using the following custom function. This function uses a union to cast the bit values of a byte array into a float value and atoh() to create decimal values from the hex strings. (see comments inline)

float convertFloat(const char *text){

  //create a union to easily cast values into another type
  union floatData{
      byte by[4];
      float fl;
  } dataValue;
  //get number of bytes (4 for float values)
  byte bytes = (strlen(text)-3)/2;
  //filling the byte array
  for(int i=0;i<bytes;i++){
  //returning the byte array as a float through the union.
  return dataValue.fl;

//hex string to decimal
unsigned char atoh (unsigned char data){
  if (data > '9') 
    { data += 9;
    return (data &= 0x0F);

The same for 8bit uint8 / u8_:

byte convertByte(const char *text){
    union byteData{
      byte by;
  } dataValue;
  byte bytes = (strlen(text)-3)/2;
  for(int i=0;i<bytes;i++){
  return dataValue.by;

And also for 16bit int / u1_:

int convertInt(const char *text){
  union intData{
      byte by[2];
      float in;
  } dataValue;
  byte bytes = (strlen(text)-3)/2;
  for(int i=0;i<bytes;i++){
  return dataValue.in;

And also for 16bit int / u3_:

unsigned long convertUnsignedLong(const char *text){
  union inData{
      byte input[4];
      unsigned long output;
  } dataValue;
  byte bytes = (strlen(text)-3)/2;
  for(int i=0;i<bytes;i++){
  return dataValue.output;

Now you should have gotten the hang of it. The other values can be translated in the same manner. Just put the Hex values into a byte array and then cast it to the wanted datatype using a union. Maybe one could even create a funktion which decides the correct datatype on its own.

In my next post I can hopefully present you my full implementation of a Senec status display using a LED matrix and an ESP32.

Bonus: long example response with all parameters:

    "ENERGY": {
        "CAPTESTMODULE": [
        "GRID_POWER_OFFSET": "fl_00000000",
        "GUI_BAT_DATA_COLLECTED": "u8_01",
        "GUI_BAT_DATA_CURRENT": "fl_C0D00000",
        "GUI_BAT_DATA_FUEL_CHARGE": "fl_42A705A2",
        "GUI_BAT_DATA_POWER": "fl_C3B4D979",
        "GUI_BAT_DATA_VOLTAGE": "fl_425E9581",
        "GUI_BOOSTING_INFO": "u8_01",
        "GUI_CAP_TEST_DIS_COUNT": "fl_00000000",
        "GUI_CAP_TEST_START": "u8_00",
        "GUI_CAP_TEST_STATE": "u8_00",
        "GUI_CAP_TEST_STOP": "u8_00",
        "GUI_CHARGING_INFO": "u8_00",
        "GUI_FACTORY_TEST_FAN": "u8_00",
        "GUI_FACTORY_TEST_RELAY": "u8_00",
        "GUI_GRID_POW": "fl_C11570A4",
        "GUI_HOUSE_POW": "fl_43A42F9E",
        "GUI_INIT_CHARGE_START": "u8_00",
        "GUI_INIT_CHARGE_STOP": "u8_00",
        "GUI_INVERTER_POWER": "fl_80000000",
        "GUI_TEST_CHARGE_STAT": "u8_00",
        "GUI_TEST_DISCHARGE_STAT": "u8_00",
        "INIT_CHARGE_ACK": "u8_00",
        "INIT_CHARGE_DIFF_VOLTAGE": "fl_00000000",
        "INIT_CHARGE_MAX_CURRENT": "fl_00000000",
        "INIT_CHARGE_MAX_VOLTAGE": "fl_00000000",
        "INIT_CHARGE_MIN_VOLTAGE": "fl_00000000",
        "INIT_CHARGE_RERUN": "u8_00",
        "INIT_CHARGE_RUNNING": "u8_00",
        "INIT_CHARGE_STATE": "u8_00",
        "INIT_CHARGE_TIMER": "u6_0000000000000000",
        "INIT_DISCHARGE_MAX_CURRENT": "fl_00000000",
        "LI_STORAGE_MODE_RUNNING": "u8_00",
        "LI_STORAGE_MODE_START": "u8_00",
        "LI_STORAGE_MODE_STOP": "u8_00",
        "OFFPEAK_DURATION": "u1_0000",
        "OFFPEAK_POWER": "fl_00000000",
        "OFFPEAK_RUNNING": "u8_00",
        "OFFPEAK_TARGET": "u8_64",
        "SAFE_CHARGE_FORCE": "u8_00",
        "SAFE_CHARGE_PROHIBIT": "u8_00",
        "SAFE_CHARGE_RUNNING": "u8_00",
        "STAT_HOURS_OF_OPERATION": "u3_0000183E",
        "STAT_LIMITED_NET_SKEW": "u8_00",
        "STAT_STATE": "u8_10",
        "STAT_STATE_DECODE": "u8_10",
        "TEST_CHARGE_CHRG_START": "u8_00",
        "TEST_CHARGE_CHRG_STOP": "u8_01",
        "TEST_CHARGE_DIS_START": "u8_00",
        "TEST_CHARGE_DIS_STOP": "u8_01",
        "TEST_CYCLE": "u8_00",
        "ZERO_EXPORT": "u8_00"
    "PV1": {
        "ERROR_STATE_INT": [
        "INTERNAL_MD_AVAIL": [
        "INTERNAL_MD_MODEL": [
            "st_V3 LV",
            "st_HMI: X.XX.XX PU: X.X.XX BDC: X.XX.X",
        "INTERNAL_PV_AVAIL": "u8_01",
        "INV_MODEL": [
        "INV_SERIAL": [
        "INV_VERSIONS": [
            "st_HMI: X.XX.XX PU: X.X.XX",
        "MPP_AVAIL": "u8_02",
        "MPP_CUR": [
        "MPP_POWER": [
        "MPP_VOL": [
        "POWER_RATIO": "u3_00000064",
        "PV_MISSING": "u8_01",
        "P_TOTAL": "fl_41BFE561",
        "STATE_INT": [
        "TYPE": "u8_A0"
    "PM1OBJ1": {
        "ADR": "u8_01",
        "ENABLED": "u8_01",
        "FREQ": "fl_42483D70",
        "I_AC": [
        "P_AC": [
        "P_TOTAL": "fl_C11AB852",
        "U_AC": [
    "STATISTIC": {
        "CURRENT_STATE": "u1_0010",
        "LIVE_BAT_CHARGE": "fl_44313EF4",
        "LIVE_BAT_CHARGE_MASTER": "fl_44313EF4",
        "LIVE_BAT_DISCHARGE": "fl_442AA859",
        "LIVE_BAT_DISCHARGE_MASTER": "fl_442AA859",
        "LIVE_GRID_EXPORT": "fl_4501C7BE",
        "LIVE_GRID_IMPORT": "fl_438C942B",
        "LIVE_HOUSE_CONS": "fl_44BF0FE3",
        "LIVE_PU_ENERGY": [
        "LIVE_PV_GEN": "fl_45526CA0",
        "LIVE_WB_ENERGY": [
        "MEASURE_TIME": "i3_5FE0C82D",
        "STAT_REQ_CLEAR_REM_DATA": "u8_00",
        "STAT_SUM_E_PU": [
    "RTC": {
        "TIMESTAMP_MS": "u3_1995C856",
        "UTC_OFFSET": "i3_0000003C",
        "WEB_TIME": "u3_5FE0D63D"
    "LOG": {
        "LOG_IN_BUTT": "u8_00",
        "LOG_OUT_BUTT": "u8_00",
        "PASSWORD": "st_",
        "USERNAME": "st_",
        "USER_LEVEL": "u8_00"
    "WIZARD": {
        "BOOT": "u8_01",
        "CHARGE_PRIO": "u8_00",
        "CONFIG_CHECKSUM": "u1_XXXX",
        "CONFIG_LOADED": "u8_01",
        "CONFIG_MODIFIED_BY_USER": "u8_00",
        "CONFIG_WRITE": "u8_00",
        "DEVICE_BATTERY_TYPE": "u8_04",
        "DEVICE_INVERTER_TYPE": "u8_A0",
        "DEVICE_PM_GRID_ENABLED": "u8_01",
        "DEVICE_PM_HOUSE_ENABLED": "u8_00",
        "DEVICE_PM_TYPE": "u8_01",
        "FEATURECODE_ENTERED": "u8_00",
        "FIRMWARE_VERSION": "st_XXX",
        "GENERATION_METER_SN": "u3_00000000",
        "GRID_CONNECTION_TYPE": "u8_02",
        "GUI_LANG": "u8_00",
        "HEAT_CONN_TYPE": "u8_02",
        "INSULATION_RESISTANCE": "i3_000003E8",
        "MAC_ADDRESS_BYTES": [
        "MASTER_SLAVE_MODE": "u8_00",
        "NET_DNS_SERVER_IP": "u3_XXXXXXX",
        "NET_GATEWAY_IP": "u3_XXXXXXXX",
        "NET_SENEC_NO_NETWORK": "u8_00",
        "NET_SENEC_USE_DHCP": "u8_00",
        "PS_ENABLE": "u8_00",
        "PS_HOUR": "u8_00",
        "PS_MINUTE": "u8_00",
        "PS_RESERVOIR": "u8_00",
        "PV_CONFIG": [
        "PWRCFG_PEAK_PV_POWER": "fl_45796000",
        "SENEC_METER_SN": "u3_XXXXXXXX",
        "SETUP_ABS_POWER": "u3_00000000",
        "SETUP_AGBS_ACCEPTED": "u8_00",
        "SETUP_HV_PHASE": "u8_00",
        "SETUP_NUMBER_WALLBOXES": "u8_00",
        "SETUP_PM_GRID_ADR": "u8_01",
        "SETUP_PM_HOUSE_ADR": "u8_02",
        "SETUP_POWER_RULE": "u8_46",
        "SETUP_PV_INV_IP0": "u3_00000000",
        "SETUP_PV_INV_IP1": "u3_00000000",
        "SETUP_PV_INV_IP2": "u3_00000000",
        "SETUP_PV_INV_IP3": "u3_00000000",
        "SETUP_PV_INV_IP4": "u3_00000000",
        "SETUP_PV_INV_IP5": "u3_00000000",
        "SETUP_RCR_STEPS": [
        "SETUP_USED_PHASE": "u8_01",
        "SETUP_USE_ABS_POWER": "u8_00",
        "SETUP_USE_RCR": "u8_00",
        "SETUP_WALLBOX_IDS": [
        "SETUP_WALLBOX_SERIAL0": "st_",
        "SETUP_WALLBOX_SERIAL1": "st_",
        "SETUP_WALLBOX_SERIAL2": "st_",
        "SETUP_WALLBOX_SERIAL3": "st_",
        "SG_READY_CURR_MODE": "u8_01",
        "SG_READY_ENABLED": "u8_00",
        "SG_READY_EN_MODE1": "u8_00",
        "SG_READY_POWER_COMM": "u1_FFFF",
        "SG_READY_POWER_PROP": "u1_FFFF",
        "SG_READY_TIME": "u1_02D0",
        "TEST_GENERATION_METER": "u8_00",
        "TEST_HEATPUMP_METER": "u8_00",
        "TEST_SENEC_METER": "u8_00",
        "USE_TESTSERVER": "u8_00"
    "BMS": {
        "ALARM_STATUS": [
        "BATTERY_STATUS": [
        "BL": [
        "BMS_READY_FLAG": "u8_01",
        "CHARGED_ENERGY": [
        "COMMERRCOUNT": "u1_0000",
        "CURRENT": [
        "CYCLES": [
        "DERATING": "u8_00",
        "ERROR": "u8_00",
        "FAULTLINECOUNT": "u1_0000",
        "FW": [
        "HW_EXTENSION": [
        "HW_MAINBOARD": [
        "MANUFACTURER": "u8_02",
        "MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE": [
        "MAX_TEMP": "i1_010E",
        "MIN_CELL_VOLTAGE": [
        "MIN_TEMP": "i1_00E6",
        "MODULES_CONFIGURED": "u8_02",
        "MODULE_COUNT": "u8_02",
        "NOM_CHARGEPOWER_MODULE": "fl_441C4000",
        "NOM_DISCHARGEPOWER_MODULE": "fl_449C4000",
        "NR_INSTALLED": "u8_02",
        "PROTOCOL": "u1_0000",
        "RECOVERLOCKED": "u8_00",
        "SERIAL": [
        "SN": [
        "SOC": [
        "SOH": [
        "START_SELFTEST": "u8_01",
        "START_UPDATE": "u8_00",
        "STATUS": [
        "SYSTEM_SOC": "u1_0348",
        "TEMP_MAX": [
        "TEMP_MIN": [
        "VOLTAGE": [
        "WIZARD_ABORT": "u8_01",
        "WIZARD_CONFIRM": "u8_00",
        "WIZARD_DCCONNECT": "u1_0000",
        "WIZARD_START": "u8_00",
        "WIZARD_STATE": "u8_00"
    "FACTORY": {
        "AUX_TYPE": "u8_03",
        "BAT_TYPE": "u8_04",
        "BEH_FLAGS": "u8_01",
        "CELL_TYPE": "u8_05",
        "COUNTRY": "u8_00",
        "DESIGN_CAPACITY": "fl_459C4000",
        "FAC_SANITY": "u8_01",
        "MAX_CHARGE_POWER_DC": "fl_449C4000",
        "MAX_DISCHARGE_POWER_DC": "fl_451C4000",
        "PM_TYPE": "u8_01",
        "SYS_TYPE": "u8_11",
        "TEMP_TYPE": "u8_00"